Whether or not you followed my attempt at witty banter I will give you a few details. I went into the advising office today at ASU to talk about my schedule for this summer and coming fall and the first thing I find out is that my advisor told me to take the wrong classes this semester...as in the current semester...as in the classes I am already over half way through with. But its okay she tells me I may just have to pick up one more history course. "Okay (I tell myself), this summer may be a little more busy than planned but that's okay...". Next the advising lady, who is beginning to sound more and more like a chain smoker with anger issues dressed head to toe in shamrocks (seriously), looks at my schedule I have laid out for myself and says you can't do this. You wouldn't make it through the semester, these classes are all senior level why haven't you taken any of these sooner? I reply-"I wont be a senior until next semester, ASU wouldn't allow me to them any sooner." -Well- devil shamrock lady replies -Why are you planning to take these classes all at once? Why not split them up for your senior year. I tell her I have to student teach the last semester of my senior year and ASU wont allow me to take any classes while student teaching. She goes on to tell the same things over again...in my head once more I am chanting in my head over and over again "Don't cry, dont cry, don't cry"...the shamrock devil is still talking...I see my plans for the next year crumbling....what about the wedding and Tyler....what about my rent....and getting a job....oh no I've stopped chanting and have started hyperventilating-right in the office...I start chanting again but faster this time and more like a plea to the Lord for me to stop hyperventilating and not cry...too late, I am crying and apologizing but shamrock just stares...she states one last time that I need to stay one more year so I thank her (for what I don't know), and pick up my 50 lb. back pack as quickly as possible and flee her office. There is a line of freshmen waiting to be advised....they see me crying and look terrified, I thought about stopping and telling them that its not always this bad because I think I see a few of them begin to run away, but I still can't breath so I run for the ladies room....
...so now I don't know what to do. I already was unsure of why I was majoring in education or really in school at all. I had already counted down the days to when I would be through with school and I am losing faith in the reasons I chose to come here. I am ready to be married, I feel God has called me to be so and within this year, but if I have to stay here for another year I would have to wait. I thought about transferring to UNCC but that sounds just as bad. I've come so far to quit now but I don't want a degree just for the sake of having one. I am praying hard and have faith for what God has in store for me but I would be lying if I told you I wasn't discouraged.
Give the the number for the shamrock lady so I can give her a piece of mind. Seriously, hang in there. Call me.
it will work out--GET ANOTHER ADVISOR--seriously--i sought out mine specifically cause I knew she wouldn't screw everything up and knew what i wanted her to. Don't quit school--i know a degree just to have a degree sounds bad--but I think you will end up doing something with it. Student teaching is wonderful--it really convinces you you either like or dislike it--lol--but stick with it ok? You can do it babe!!!! I know December feels like it's forever away right now, but remember that you guys will have your forever together. I love you
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