Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One fine Morning...

Well I woke up this morning prepared for another blustery day, it snowed yesterday and it was so windy I kept stumbling to one side when the big gusts came, but today it is supposed to be 64 degrees!! I realize this sudden change in temperature will probably make me sick, but in reality I really don't care! I don't have any big plans today, after I finish my coffee I'll head to my State and Local Government class and then head back to the apartment and write a paper. Later I will go to the gym, figured I should take advantage of the free member ship while I can =), and then tonight is church and coffee with friends! Plus it's Hump day so the weekend is almost here and I am one day closer to Easter break! After last week's interesting turn of events I had to decide I wouldn't slump into a mini depression and determine that every day is a day God has specifically prepared for me! Today in my devotions I read about Christ's crucifixion and what he did so that I could join him one day and it amazed me how ungrateful I am to him. So today I will remind you of what I so often forget- no matter what can go wrong in a day, that day is a day given to you by God to spend yet another day on earth with the people you love, Make the Most of It.


Shannon said...

WOW that was powerful!!! Thanks for the reminder. Have a great week!!!!!!!

Rockin' it up said...

amen! I'm proud of you :)