Monday, March 14, 2011

Its A Brand New Week!

Here is a song to Jump-start your week, check it out!

I love Newton Faulkner because he has a way of injecting his music with a unique sound and, with this song in particular, it get gets me moving! So enjoy the beautiful, if not slightly colder, weather today AND GET MOVING! lol I plan on getting some lesson plans done, writing a few thank you notes, and pluggin' this song into my ipod and walking Ace!

What is to come...
-New Movie Review
-New recipe to Try
-AND another book to check out of your local library (let's keep these free institutions of knowledge open people-support your local library by checking out books, donating books, and booking activities!)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I like it!!! My new favorite is Bruno Mars: Lazy Day Song. It is also my new ringtone. I love it so much I don't want to answer my phone so I can hear it longer, lol.