Monday, June 23, 2008

Week Number Two!!!!

I just arrived back at TVR for the second week of camp and it is going great so far! The first week also went without a hich. We had to replace a few minor things on the schedule but all in all Bonnie and I's hard work was not in vain- YAY!
We have quite a few more children this week so I'm hoping the counselor's wont be overwhelmed. David is counseling with Jeremy Mullis and David Seamon and they have nine Pio's in all so I feel like it will be a good week for them. Keep him in your prayers though- he seems to have it in his head from a counselor that had a few of his boys last year that they will be trouble. I know he will do wonderfully but he just needs to work past the fact that he already expects it to be a terrible week. Hopefully I can encourage him and also get the three boys to work together. David was also a counselor last week for three middle school boys (Rangers) and he had one of his boys accept Christ- it was amazing and I was so very excited and proud!
I have around 43 Pio's this week so I have to adjust a few of the crafts and games but I'm excited! They just arrived a few hours ago and I so did I. I was able to spend a short time at home visiting Mom and Dad and even Shannon and Shaun- which was great! Dad is off to Salt Lake City and I was glad I was able to see him off. I really would have liked to spend a bit more time with Mom at home but it was great to be with them both the amount of time I was!! I'm a little it tired from the drive but I think after a good night's sleep I'll ready for the new week! I'm hoping to put some pictures up of last week tomorrow so keep checking the blog!
Guess I better run- I need to prepare the flour sock game....yep you heard me =)


Shannon said...

Good to hear from you again!!!

Anonymous said...

I know you've been under the weather. I've been praying for you to feel better fast and for David to truly feel God's presence. I'll be delivering meals alone tomorrow. (I miss you guys.) Then I'll be going to sit with Patsy while she gets another 8 hours of chemo. Don't forget to pray for her.
Love ya, Mom

BE said...

Thanks for keeping us updated about what's going on with the 2 of you. It was good to see you last Sunday.

Rockin' it up said...

Thanks for the birthday card--you're the only sibling I got one from! I love you guys.