Sunday, March 2, 2008


Before you get all worked up, no I did not dye my hair. lol I'm just skipping over a few things over the past week and giving you the highlights.

For starters I am officially an Office Assistant, or some might like to call me a Secretary, at the Town Hall in Richfield, instead of just the cleaning lady (the job title sounds much better). It wasn't quite as glamorous as the old black and white Cary Grant movies I pictured that morning while getting ready, but still a good day all in all. Some aspects were the same, you know-great high heels, typing away at an old adding machine (no lie), and running errands, but it was missing the key point...Cary Grant. Ah well I guess that's okay, I figure he was a bit out of my age bracket any way. They just don't make guys like that anymore. Okay so back to reality, I really did enjoy working along side by boss in the office, and doing the filing and bills. I hope to work at the T.H. for as long as possible.

The only other things I did this week were- do homework and watch an absorbent amount of movies, six to be exact. The homework is self explanatory, but the movies well I'll explain. First of all you'll remember from my previous post I had Winter break- I will use that as part of the excuse. lol First I saw Jumper with Mom before she left for D.C. with Dad, David, and Grandmama- I felt like I was in Richfield alone, I don't think the phone rang 3 times (everyone knew they were gone and I had no idea how to answer their questions lol). Then I rented a few movies, Friends with Money (terrible), Pans Labyrinth (amazing but in Spanish, be prepared to read subtitles- although I try to figure out what they're saying before I read them, it does get quite confusing some times) and one other that I'm forgetting. You see I loath quietness, and I was oh so very bored and lonely. I then went to see two movies over the weekend with multiple friends, thank goodness that I have a friend working at the movies though or I would be broke (thanks Caleb!). So yes I have my fill of Movies and Take-Out for quite a while, cooking for one I found was quite difficult, but the people in the Japanese place know me by name!

I hope y'all had a good week last week and I hope you enjoy this coming week. Please remember to keep Aunt Patsy in your prayers, it's hard to see our family going through a rough time coming to face with her cancer. She is strong though and God is stronger-hope is not gone. We must always remember that with Him nothing is impossible. I cry at a drop of a hat though, like seeing Grandmama's heart break all over again with Patsy, hearing Patsy talk about the future without putting herself in it, hearing Mom talk about her baby sister, and seeing Jerry's love for his wife...I know though that God is in control.


Shannon said...

Yes it is a very emotional time right now, I know how you feel. Hopefully it will bring us all closer together as an extended family, and closer still to God.

BE said...

I didn't realize you stayed home, I guess I missed that. You could have come and hung out with us, if you wanted.
Definitely praying for your aunt Patsy. I think it will bring everyone closer together, I just hate that this is the reason for doing so.

Heather's World said...

Congrats on the promotion! And, I am so sorry about your Aunt. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. I know exactly how you feel.

Rockin' it up said...

I'm glad you enjoy your job B! I know being at home with everything going on is rough. I'm here if you need an ear :).